Zluri vs Trelica: Which is Better & Why?

Minu Joseph

14th March, 2024


Zluri and Trelica both offer SaaS management platforms. However, they differ in their offerings. As an IT manager, understanding their capabilities is essential for making the right choice. Thus, comparing both Zluri & Trelica will help you choose the one that suits your organizational needs. 

As an IT manager, one major problem you often face is the lack of centralized control and visibility over the SaaS stack. This can lead to increased SaaS spending, inefficiencies, security risks, and compliance issues. SaaS management platforms, such as Zluri and Trelica, step in to alleviate these challenges.

Zluri addresses this challenge by providing a centralized or single platform. It offers comprehensive insights into all deployed SaaS applications, from tracking usage patterns to identifying redundant subscriptions. Zluri empowers you and your team with data, helping you make informed decisions and optimize the SaaS stack effectively.

Similarly, Trelica stands out as one of the leading players in the SaaS management space. It offers robust features tailored to address the complexities of modern IT environments. With Trelica, you gain granular visibility into your SaaS landscape, enabling your team to efficiently monitor license utilization, enforce security policies, and streamline procurement processes. 

Now, let's dive into a detailed comparison of these two leading SaaS management platforms across various parameters.

Zluri vs. Trelica: Comparison Based on 6 Parameters

Let’s explore the various comparison parameters.

1. SaaS App Discovery

When comparing Zluri and Trelica for SaaS discovery, it's essential to delve into the differentiating factors that cater to your needs. 

Discovery Methods

  • Zluri offers a robust discovery engine that uses 9 discovery methods to identify SaaS applications across your network. These methods include SSOs, finance systems, direct integrations, desktop agents, browser agents, active directories, HRMS platforms, MDM platforms, and CASB platforms. This helps you gain complete visibility into your SaaS landscape with 100% accuracy.

    Zluri’s 9 robust discovery methods

    Zluri’s nine discovery methods

    and CASB platforms. This helps you gain complete visibility into your SaaS landscape with 100% accuracy.

  • On the other hand, Trelica focuses on user-driven discovery, leveraging 3 methods, including browser extensions, integrations, and finance systems, to uncover shadow IT.

Integration Capabilities

  • Zluri provides 800+ integrations, ensuring seamless connections with essential platforms crucial for your business. Integration forms the foundation for automation within Zluri. This expansive integration capability streamlines your operations, providing seamless connectivity across your SaaS stack.

    For instance, imagine a company utilizing Zluri to integrate its project management tool with its communication platform. With this integration in place, notifications about project updates can be automatically conveyed to relevant team members via the preferred communication channel like Slack. This eliminates the need for manual dissemination and ensures timely collaboration.

    Zluri- integrate

  • Trelica, however, emphasizes versatility, offering customizable integration options to tailor the discovery process to specific organizational requirements.

Custom Integrations

  • Zluri excels in this area with a user-friendly interface that enables easy creation and management of custom integrations without extensive coding knowledge. 

  • Trelica, conversely, provides advanced scripting capabilities for IT experts to develop intricate custom integrations suited to complex environments.

App Catalog

  • Zluri presents the largest app catalog of 2,25,000 pre-integrated applications, simplifying the identification and management of existing software assets. 

  • In contrast, Trelica prioritizes flexibility, offering a curated catalog supplemented by user-driven additions, ensuring relevance and accuracy.

Shadow IT Detection

Shadow IT detection is crucial for identifying unauthorized software usage within the organization. 

  • Zluri excels in eliminating shadow apps by discovering apps with 100% accuracy and providing real-time visibility into all SaaS applications being used. This allows you to identify potential security risks and take appropriate action swiftly. 

  • On the other hand, Trelica offers robust Shadow IT detection capabilities coupled with advanced AI algorithms that can accurately identify even the most obscure instances of unauthorized software usage.

    The above points highlight the differences between Zluri and Trelica regarding app discovery. While Zluri prioritizes automation and user-friendly interfaces, Trelica focuses on user engagement and customization. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your organization's specific requirements and preferences.

2. Application Administration

When comparing Zluri and Trelica for application administration, several key factors are crucial for your decision-making process. 

Real-time App Insights 

  • Zluri provides comprehensive real-time insights, allowing you to monitor actual spend, active users, licensed users, and more. This proactive approach helps you to improve overall efficiency within the organization.

    Real-time App Insights

  • On the other hand, Trelica focuses on delivering real-time insights with a specific emphasis on user behavior and interaction patterns. This granular level of analysis empowers you to understand how users engage with applications, identify bottlenecks, and tailor their strategies to enhance productivity and user experience effectively. 

User Management 

  • Zluri streamlines your SaaS user management by providing centralized control over user information. Users include employees, groups, external parties, etc. This centralized approach provides you with all information related to users. This enhances user management, thereby minimizing potential risks and operational overhead.

    User Management

  • In contrast, Trelica takes a more user-centric approach to user management, prioritizing personalization and flexibility. Its intuitive interface empowers end-users to manage their own access rights and preferences within predefined parameters set by your IT admin. This ultimately leads to greater productivity and satisfaction across the organization.

Group management

  • Zluri excels in group management by providing you with the ability to create and manage user groups based on various criteria such as department, role, or project. This hierarchical structure enables you to assign permissions, distribute resources, and enforce policies with ease, fostering collaboration and alignment across teams.

    Group management

  • On the other hand, Trelica's approach to group management revolves around dynamic group formation based on contextual factors such as project requirements, team dynamics, and organizational objectives. Its adaptive algorithms analyze user interactions and dependencies in real-time, automatically forming and adjusting groups to optimize collaboration and streamline workflows. 

    While both Zluri and Trelica offer robust solutions for application administration, their unique approaches to real-time app insights, user management, and group management cater to different organizational requirements and priorities. You must carefully evaluate these factors with their specific needs and objectives to determine which platform best aligns with their organization's goals and facilitates seamless application administration.

3. License Management & Optimization

When comparing license management features between Zluri and Trelica, you need to consider various factors crucial for efficiently tracking licenses, and managing renewals.

Track SaaS Licenses:

  • Zluri simplifies SaaS license management by offering comprehensive visibility into all licenses across your organization. Its intuitive dashboard provides real-time insights into license utilization, helping you identify unused licenses, optimize them, and avoid unnecessary expenses. 

    Track SaaS Licenses

  • On the other hand, Trelica offers a customizable approach to license tracking, allowing you to tailor the system to your organization's specific needs. This granular level of control empowers you to allocate resources effectively and identify potential cost-saving opportunities.

SaaS Renewal Management:

  • Zluri streamlines the SaaS renewal process by centralizing all renewal information in one platform. Its proactive notification system alerts you well in advance of upcoming renewals, preventing any unexpected lapses in service. 

    SaaS Renewal Management

    Zluri’s renewal calendar allows you to view contract renewals and payments separately. This helps you prioritize the renewals as per your requirement. 

    prioritize the renewals

    With Zluri, you can get notifications of the renewal date and insights on rightsizing the licenses, if required. For contracts, you get alerts 30 days, 15 days, and one day in advance. For payment, you get alerts 7 days and 1 day prior to the date of payment. 

    Also, you can set custom alerts, which helps you prioritize high-value contracts. For example, if a vendor's contract is about to expire, Zluri will notify you well in advance, giving you ample time to decide whether to renew, renegotiate, or terminate the agreement.

    set custom alerts

  • In contrast, Trelica offers a collaborative approach to renewal management, facilitating seamless communication between your IT team and vendors. Further, Trelica's automated reminders and escalation workflows further streamline the renewal process, reducing the administrative burden on you and your team.

SaaS Vendor Management:

  • Zluri simplifies SaaS vendor management by consolidating vendor information and their contracts into a centralized repository. This greatly simplifies the process of retrieving contract information, making it particularly valuable during contract renewals or audits. 

    SaaS Vendor Management

    Moreover, Zluri’s vendor management capabilities help you gain visibility to all the vendor-related information like spend, status, and more in a single platform. This helps you to optimize licenses and contracts.

    Zluri also helps you evaluate vendor performance based on various metrics, such as service quality, support responsiveness, and pricing transparency. This holistic view enables you to identify top-performing vendors and negotiate favorable terms for future contracts.

  • Trelica empowers you with robust vendor management capability, including contract negotiation support and vendor performance tracking. Its contract templating feature standardizes contract terms and accelerates the negotiation process, saving time and resources. 

    In summary, while Zluri excels in centralized tracking and proactive renewal management, Trelica stands out with its customizable approach and collaborative features. By carefully evaluating each platform's unique strengths, you can choose the solution that best aligns with your organization's goals and requirements.

4. SaaS Spend Optimization

Optimizing SaaS spend is paramount if you’re aiming to streamline operations and maximize efficiency. Both Zluri and Trelica offer robust solutions, yet their approaches and benefits differ, catering to distinct organizational needs.

Eliminating SaaS Wastage 

  • Both Zluri and Trelica excel in identifying and eliminating redundant and abandoned apps, eliminating SaaS wastage, and streamlining your SaaS ecosystem for better resource allocation. However, Zluri employs advanced algorithms to precisely identify unused or underutilized licenses, that allows you to right-size your license subscriptions, helping you optimize your licenses and saving money in the long run.

    optimize your licenses

    While Trelica offers customizable criteria for identifying redundancy tailored to your organization's specific needs.

Continuous Optimization

  • Zluri provides real-time insights and automated actions to continuously optimize your SaaS spend, ensuring maximum efficiency at all times. 

  • On the other hand, Trelica offers detailed historical analysis and predictive modeling to optimize spend over time, allowing for proactive cost-saving measures.

Budgeting and Chargebacks

  • When it comes to budgeting and chargebacks, Zluri offers intuitive budget management capability with granular control over spending limits and allocations. Additionally, its built-in chargeback mechanism simplifies cost allocation across departments, promoting transparency and accountability. 

    Budgeting and Chargebacks

  • In contrast, Trelica provides comprehensive cost tracking and forecasting capabilities, enabling accurate budget planning and alignment with organizational goals.

Contract Costs vs. Actual Spend Analysis

  • Zluri empowers your team with interactive graphs that deliver valuable insights into your spend versus cost trends. These visual representations provide a culture of informed decision-making driven by data, allowing you to identify potential areas for cost reduction and evaluate the impact of your optimization strategies with precision. 

    Contract Costs vs. Actual Spend Analysis

  • Conversely, Trelica specializes in in-depth spend analysis, comparing contract costs to actual usage data to identify discrepancies and optimize vendor relationships for maximum cost savings.

    Overall, both Zluri and Trelica offer capabilities for SaaS spend optimization, each with its unique strengths tailored to different organizational needs. Whether you prioritize real-time optimization and automated actions with Zluri or prefer detailed historical analysis and predictive modeling with Trelica, both tools can significantly benefit your organization by reducing costs and enhancing operational efficiency in managing SaaS spend.

5. SaaS App Security

When considering SaaS app security, you need to weigh various factors to ensure your organization's data remains safe and compliant. Two prominent tools in this arena, Zluri and Trelica, offer unique approaches to addressing these concerns.

Risk and Threat Scores 

  • Zluri offers comprehensive risk scoring mechanisms, evaluating factors such as data shared, events, compliance, and security probes to provide a holistic view of the security landscape. 

    SaaS App Security

  • Trelica, on the other hand, takes risk scoring a step further by integrating threat intelligence feeds and machine learning algorithms to dynamically adjust risk scores based on evolving security threats.

Audit Logs and Monitoring 

  • Zluri offers detailed audit logs and customizable monitoring alerts, enabling you to track user activities, access permissions, and configuration changes effectively. 

  • Trelica provides similar functionality but distinguishes itself with its real-time anomaly detection capabilities, which can automatically flag unusual user behavior or access patterns for further investigation.

App compliance 

  • Zluri simplifies compliance management with built-in compliance checks, automated policy enforcement, and actionable insights to remediate compliance issues promptly. 

  • Trelica offers a comprehensive compliance management suite, including predefined compliance templates, continuous monitoring, and automated remediation workflows, streamlining the compliance process for your organization.

Comparison Chart for  Zluri vs. Trellica

This comparison table outlines the features of Zluri and Trellica across various categories mentioned below.





SaaS App Discovery

Discovery Methods

5 Methods

3 Methods

Integration Capabilities



Custom Integrations



App Catalog



Application Administration

Real-time app insights



User management



Group Management



Contract Management

Track Licenses



Renewal Management



Vendor Management



SaaS Spend Optimization

Eliminate SaaS Wastage



Continuous optimization



Budgeting and Chargebacks



Contract costs vs actual spend analysis



SaaS App Security

Shadow IT detection



Risk and threat scores



Audit logs and monitoring



App Compliance



Customer Rating






No review available

Choose The Right SMP For Your Organization

When it comes to choosing the ideal SaaS management platform for your organization, the decision boils down to understanding your unique needs and priorities. Both Zluri and Trelica offer robust capabilities in SaaS management, streamlining everyday IT processes, optimizing costs, and enhancing security. 

However, Zluri stands out as a comprehensive solution if your organization seeks more than a standard SaaS management platform. With its added features in access management and access review, Zluri provides an integrated approach to managing and securing your SaaS ecosystem effectively. 

By carefully evaluating your organization's requirements and considering the broader spectrum of features offered, you can confidently choose to propel your business forward with the most suitable SaaS management platform.

Want to know more about Zluri, Book a Demo today!


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