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Lifecycle Management

Automate User Provisining with Zluri Lifecycle Management Platform

Traditionally, the IT team used to record data manually in spreadsheets, which could bode well for smaller organizations. But, the same can get chaotic for larger organizations.

In that case, organizations can opt for a centralized system; they can view data in a single platform and automate manual tasks to reduce workload and enhance productivity. This article explains how Zluri helps to automate user lifecycle management and enhance employee efficiency.

Even today, many organizations rely on traditional methods to manage the user lifecycle, which needs to be faster and updated. It impacts the overall workflow and reduces efficiency. Furthermore, it becomes a complex task for IT teams to onboard and offboard employees and accordingly grant and revoke access from them on time.

Even it impacts the employee's experience as employees have to raise a ticket to access the required app, which takes several days to gain approval.

Businesses must mitigate these challenges; companies can opt for an efficient user lifecycle management tool such as Zluri to empower their employees with access to SaaS applications and resources they require without jeopardizing the curial data of the organization.

Zluri, a ULM tool, enhances productivity by granting access to new employees on day one. To streamline the business processes, it automates the onboarding and offboarding process, making the process faster and delivering efficient results. In addition, Zluri provides secure access to authorized employees that prevents security breaches and conducts regular audits, monitoring the access permissions.

Let's discuss how Zluri, a user lifecycle management tool, helps organizations increase efficiency and productivity by simplifying complex IT processes.

Here's How to Automate User Lifecycle Management with Zluri

Organizations require systematic user lifecycle management solutions to streamline the business process.

1. Automates onboarding process

Due to rapid growth in organizations' IT infrastructure, there is a need for more human resources to meet the requirements. Businesses hire multiple employees simultaneously; new employees are onboarded by IT teams, ensuring they get access permissions to SaaS applications and resources. However, this provisioning process becomes time-consuming when the IT teams handle it manually.

It reduces productivity and increases the possibility of human error. Furthermore, waiting time increases for the employees to gain access to the required apps, which affects the employee experience. To eliminate inefficient manual IT processes, businesses can opt for ULM tools such as Zluri.

Zluri eliminates incompetent manual tasks by automating the onboarding process. In addition, it simplifies the provisioning process; you can grant new hires secure access to required SaaS applications on day one with a single click, saving time, improving productivity, and reducing human errors.

With Zluri, you can create effective workflows to onboard new employees even before their arrival and run the workflow when they need access to SaaS apps. It ensures the onboarding of multiple employees simultaneously and grants them secure access without any chaos. Furthermore, the workflow can be reused for employees of the same department, role, or position.

Additionally, Zluri provides recommended apps option based on the role and department of the new employees, making it easier for IT teams to select applications to grant access. With Zluri's in-app suggestions, you can add employees to different channels, groups, and projects.

After completing the workflow, click on the run, which automatically grants access to SaaS apps to multiple employees simultaneously. Furthermore, you can save your workflow in the playbook to run it at the scheduled time or customize it before using it for other employees. Finally, you can view the status of the onboarding workflow in the recent run tab, showing complete, failed, or pending, allowing you to keep track of the workflow.

2. Manages mid-life cycle change of the employees

Due to changes in role, position, or geo shift, the employees undergo mid-life cycle changes to meet the business's increasing requirements. Therefore, IT teams need to maintain the workflow without any hurdles of access permissions to the existing employees.

However, business follows the traditional method of the ticketing system. Employees raise tickets to gain approval to access applications. The tickets go through several processes before getting final approval, resulting in a waste of time and inefficient results impacting the flow of business processes. With Zluri, IT teams can efficiently manage the mid-life cycle change of the employees without hampering the workflow.

Zluri offers organizations a self-serve model, an Employee App Store. Employees are empowered to choose SaaS applications of their choice to meet their work requirements. It eliminates the approval time from IT teams and enhances the employee experience. Furthermore, they can request applications that are not available in the EAS.

Employees get real-time updates on their app requests and a transparent view of the approval process, whether the request has been approved, disapproved, or pending.

Additionally, IT teams get full visibility into the SaaS stack of the organizations. They can view security and compliance details and other alternative apps serving the same purpose, allowing them to make informed decisions before purchasing SaaS licenses. It also reduces research and evaluation time. Also, it allows the IT team to eliminate repetitive SaaS approval tasks.

3. Automates offboarding process

Employees sometimes must depart from the organization due to resignation, termination, or sabbatical. Accordingly, access needs to be revoked from the employees before they exit the organization.

Organizations need to be cautious with the deprovisioning process because if the IT teams do not revoke access on time, the ex-employees will have access to all crucial data of the business, which can lead to security breaches.

Furthermore, IT teams rely on manual offboarding processes, increasing the chances of human error and missing out on deactivating ex-employee accounts, as they have to handle multiple employees. With Zluri, IT teams can mitigate security and governance risks and save the organization from monetary and reputational damage by automating the deprovisioning process.

Zluri allows IT teams to eliminate inefficient manual offboarding processes by creating an offboarding workflow; it will reduce human errors and be more secure and efficient. You can add multiple employees to the offboarding workflow as per the requirement and click on the run to automate your action. With a single click, all the access will automatically be revoked from the ex-employees without missing out on any. You can also save it to the playbook to run at a scheduled time.

To view the status of your offboarding workflow, click on the recent run tab to keep close track of the process.

Some Other Benefits of Zluri

Apart from automating the onboarding and offboarding processes, other features of Zluri's ULM enhance productivity and efficiency.

Zluri's other ULM features add on to increase efficiency and productivity to smoothen the flow of business processes.

  • Provides IT teams with 360-degree visibility

The major challenge that most organizations face is the need for more visibility into IT processes. Due to the increased SaaS adoption, organizations purchase multiple apps and hire more employees to meet the demand. As a result, it becomes a complex task for the IT team to monitor overall IT processes manually, resulting in reduced visibility.

However, with Zluri, organizations mitigate this challenge by gaining full visibility into SaaS apps and access permissions in a single dashboard. IT teams assign applications to the employees based on their roles, entitlements, and usage, which will allow them to monitor the access activities of the employees. You can view who uses which applications and licenses, login and logout details, apps and licenses that have not been used, and more.

Allowing you to identify unauthorized users accessing apps and restrict or remove them to prevent cyberattacks and data breaches. Furthermore, Zluri conducts regular audits to keep track of all the IT processes to reduce security risks and increase productivity by streamlining the workflow.

  • Provides real-time insights and reports

With Zluri, IT teams generate real-time insights and reports to attain efficient outcomes.

Organizations follow traditional methods to manage IT processes, resulting in a need for more ability to deliver real-time insights and accurate reports.

Zluri conducts regular audits to monitor the access activity to SaaS apps and the action history of employees. In addition, it accurately reports on critical users and apps by analyzing the risk and threat scores.

You can view the threat level of any SaaS applications and access permissions to read, write, modify, and delete by employees with Zluri. If the threat level is between 3-5, it has high-security risks; below 3, it has low risks.

Accordingly, you can take necessary actions to terminate apps, change an employee's role, or auto-deprovision unauthorized users to stay secure and compliant.

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